Saturday, July 30, 2016

Direct object,Indirect object, and Adjunct

                                                                             CHAPTER I


..A direct object is noun or pronoun that receives the action of a verb or show the result of the action. It answers the question “what/” or “whom?” after in action verb. An action verb with a direct object is called a transitive verb
Indirect object can be defined as the noun or pronoun who received something from someone or who received object from subject.


1.      What is direct object, indirect object and adjuct ?
2.      What is characteristic of direct object,indirect object and adjunct  ?

                                                                       CHAPTER II

Direct object,Indirect object, and Adjunct
A.    Direct object

1.      Definition of direct object
A direct object is noun or pronoun that receives the action of a verb or show the result of the action. It answers the question “what/” or “whom?” after in action verb. An action verb with a direct object is called a transitive verb.

a.       Farhan feds the chicken
    S      AV      DO
A direct object can be found by asking whom? Or what? About an action verb.
b.      Yono fixes computers.
Try this technique when determining the location of the direct object in the above sentence;
First locate the subject and verb in the sentence. The subject in the above sentence is “Yono” and the verb is “Fixes”
What does the subject, Yono, fix? Yono fixes computer.
A direct object is never an adverb or the object of a preposition.
            Joni moved chair         DO
Joni moved quickly     adverb
Joni moved to medan. Prepositional phrase

The following table shows more examples of this pattern
Direct object
The tourists
The old temple
A postcard
The detectives
The scene of the crime

2.      ..Rules of identfyng direct object
Greenbaum and Nelson (2002:27) stated that there are some grammatical rules refer to the direct object, namely as follow:
a.       The direct object normally comes after the verb

Example: Carter has been photographing (V) light bulbs (DO) lately.

b.      Some pronouns have a distinctive form when they function as direct object
 she phoned us (DO) earlier this evening
we phoned her (DO) earlier this evening
c.       If the subject and direct object refer to the same person or thing, the direct object is a reflexive pronoun.

The children hid themselves.

d.      When we turn an active sentence into a passive sentence, the direct object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentences;

Active:            The tests revealed traces of anthrax (DO)
Passive: Traces of anthrax (S) were revealed by the tests.

B.     Indirect object

1.      ..Definition indirect object

Indirect object can be defined as the noun or pronoun who received something from someone or who received object from subject.
When a verb has two objects, the first object is the indirect object and a second object is the direct object. But if the direct object is used first, then the preposition 'to' or 'for' should be added after the direct object.

Indirect object in a sentence can be placed after the direct object by adding the preposition ‘to’ or ‘for’ in front of him.

1.      He bought his nephew a new bicycle.
He bought a new bicycle for his nephew.

2.      David showed Jean his stamp collection.
David showed his stamp collection to Jean.

1.      She gave the letter to him
Letter answers the question “what?”        = so it is the direct object.
Him answers the question “to whom?”,   = so it is the indirect object.

2.      We told mom a lie
Lie answer the question “what?”              = so it is the direct Object
Mom answer the question “ to whom?”   = so it is the indirect Object

2.      Characteristics of indirect object

There are some characteristics of indirect object, they are:
a.       Indirect object precedes the direct object and tells to whom or for whom the action of the verb is done and who is received the direct object.

b.      They cannot occur witout following a direct object.
Example: Lady gaga gave my son (what did Lady gaga give to your son?) so, it will produce an incomplete sentence without direct object.

c.       Indirect objects are usually found with distransitive verbs like give, bring, tell, show, take, or offer.

d.      An Indirect object is always a noun or pronoun which is not part of a prepositional phrase.
Example: she gave me the report (who received the report? Me)

e.       Indirect object in active sentence can become subject in passive sentence
Example: my brother show my friends a nice picture by my brother (passive).

C.    ..Adjunct

1.      Definition of adjunct
According to Aarts (2001;19), adjunct is a final grammatical function of a sentence. Subject considered as the first grammatical function, predicate, as the second grammatical function, predicator as the third grammatical function, indirect object as the fifth grammatical function, and adjunct considered as the final grammatical function. Consider the following sentence that contain all those elements;
1.      Mr.Yusuf gave his son a toy yesterday
2.      My mother borrowed our neighbor some money last week
3.      Grandfather tells his grandchildren a new story every night.

In this section specially we discussed about adjunct.
1.      The girl walked slowly
2.      Imran spoke many international languages several years ago
3.      My sister and i went to supermarket in sabang.
The words or phrase that is italics have the function of telling us about the how, when, whwre, or why of the situations expressed by the respective sentences. The sentences that contain those functions are called Adjuncts.
To make us sure, let’s us test them by producing some certain wh-questions namely: how, when, where, and why.
a.       How did the girl walk?
b.      When did imran speak many international languages?
c.       Where did we go to supermarket?
d.      Why did he hate English?
The answers to all those questions above indicate to adjunct.

2.      Characteristics of adjunct
The following are some characteristics of adjunct modified from Aarts (2001), namely:
1.      They answer the wh-questions how, when, where and why
2.      They are always optional and express peripheral information
3.      They can be ‘stacked’, which mean that more than one adjunct can be appeared in a sentence below;
a.       He ate his meal quickly (how)
b.      David gave blood last week (when)
c.       Susan went to school in New York (where)
The highlighted constituents here are adjunct. From a syntactic point of view, adjunct are optional elements, since their omission still leaves a complete sentence;
He ate his meal quickly-he ate his meal
David gave blood last week-david gave blood
Examples of adjunct:
Ø  The alarm went off again last night. (when)
(time adjunct-also called “adverb of time”)

Ø  Simon drinks his pints like a demon. (How)
(manner adjunct-also called “adverb of manner)

Ø  She buries all her toys wherever ollie buries his. (where)
(place adjunct-also called “adverb of place”).


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